Starting out

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Monday 28 October 2019 – this is the day that I went public with my solo venture as Cymer Marketing Solutions.

Pondering about my future after redundancy, I finally took the plunge to do something different, channelling the negative situation to fuel getting this company up and running, ASAP!

I’m lucky enough to have a very supportive and understanding wife to accept the disruption starting out can bring to the household:

  • less initial income
  • more working hours
  • less socialising
  • zero employee benefits (although I know a company that provides to Self-employed/sole traders –

Although sometimes she seems to forget that I’m trying to start a business…

“While you’re home can you do the washing, clean the kitchen, collect the kids, call the builder and make dinner?And I’ve left a shopping list on the side, thanks.”

My darling wife since i was made redundant

There is a lot to consider, putting you out of your comfort zone as those things we took for granted working for a company previously have to be taken care of on your own.

Definitely use your networks, not only to spread the word that you are in business, but also to help you with the areas that you are not familiar:

  • Accountancy
  • Legal
  • IT and Systems
  • Human Resources
  • Reward and Benefits
  • Marketing

I can scratch off Marketing, but this is a massive one off the list. All the others are important to set up the foundations correctly, but the area that deals with finding your audience, communicating with them so they respond and take actions to make your business profitable is fundamental to keep operating.

My suggestion to anyone starting or thinking of starting out on their own, you need to look at your marketing early on in the process and make proper provision in their budget to ensure you and your business get off on the right foot.

I’m offering a variety of integrated solutions, ideal for Start-ups, at a limited discounted rate starting from £150 (+ VAT). Solutions available are:

Start-up Stationery Solution

Stationery Solutions to help when starting out, from Cymer

Start-up Web Presence Solution

Web Presence Solutions from Cymer

I will help apply a marketing plan to your business, supercharging your audience reach and ensuring that you get seen, but without breaking the bank.

Visit to find out more.