Cymer Introducer

Benefits for your clients’ organisation

…plus rewards for you!


There is a lot of synergy in the solutions that are provided by Cymer and the methods employed by business growth coaches.

A big factor holding back entrepreneurs and business is the systems, or lack of, utilised in business operations.

Being the best CRM Solutions Provider*, Cymer can help your clients flourish to achieve more and set up their systems and processes to exponentially grow alongside them.

How to become a CYMER INTRODUCER

Cymer Introducer BENEFITS


Award winning CRM expertise as an extension to your business


Whole of market search to find the CRM that works with your clients


Earn up to £500 per successful converted introduction


Resources on CRM, submit referrals & request quotes

Cymer Introducer FEES

Introducer Fee determined by number of converted introductions made and the final contract price

Introducer Fees are given for CRM Solutions introductions provided to Cymer Marketing Solutions that convert within 6 months of the initial introduction.

Fees are calculated on the FINAL CONTRACT PRICE, excluding any VAT and software subscription costs (minimum spend of £5,000.00)

Standard Introducer Fee is 10%, but become a Elite Introducer and your Fee increases to 15%.

Introducer Fee payouts take place on the last Business Day of each month after the month in which the COMPLETED TRANSACTION occurred.

Annual Introductions**Introducer % Minimum Fee
STANDARD1 – 210%£500.00
PREMIER3 – 412%£600.00
**Number of successfully converted Introductions made during rolling 12-month period