CRM Audit

None of these reasons relate to poor CRM platforms

It is about preparation, process and laying good foundations within your business

Don’t persevere with CRM…let Cymer help you flourish with it!

What CRM should you choose?

Choosing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Marketing Automation software providers throws up a lot of options. Your first step is to see what shape your organisation is in to make the most of implementing a platform by having a CRM Audit.

Cymer Marketing Solutions carry out these reviews to get a better understanding of your organisation and what you are looking to achieve from implementing CRM into the operations. The key areas that are focused on are:

What CRM? Take a CRM Feasibility Review to get the green light

Once the review is concluded, a report will be delivered using a traffic light scoring method to highlight areas that “Good to Go” (Green), “Alterations Required” (Amber) and “Needs Attention” (Red). Recommendations will be included alongside suggested platforms that would fit your requirements.

Advantages having a CRM Audit

The operational foundations need to be solid in order to successfully implement a CRM platform. So having an independent CRM Audit can save you £000s in missed opportunities, reduced implementation time and more efficient operations.

Make a start today

Fill out the survey below to get a FREE 30 minute consultation – it’ll take 5-10 minutes. Once received, a call will be arranged within 2 working days to go over your survey results.

The knowledge of how your business operates makes shortlisting providers much simpler as we establish the core reason to require a CRM solution being integrated:

Choosing the right platform can save you money and reduce the implementation time as you only have to deal with elements that you need.

Let Cymer Marketing Solutions guide you and your organisation, so that it achieves business growth through great CRM.